I'm sure we all know gratitude is good but do we give it the importance of top priority in our lives? When our thoughts are centered on gratefulness there is no room for negative thoughts. That is one major blessing of living in gratitude.
Another important element is the Law of Attraction. We attract into our lives by our thoughts, so when we are grateful, we open the way for more good to come to us! And we all want that!
When my mind is too active at times to go to sleep, I think of all the things I'm grateful for and in a few minutes I'm sleeping sound. It changes my focus and relaxes my mind and works every time.
Cultivating the attitude of gratitude is an extremely important habit to form. We do not know what lies in our future politically or financially. Days seem to be uncertain. Wars and rumors of wars continue. Also, there is talk of the end of the Mayan calendar being December 21, 2012 and other ancient culture's writings indicate the same thing. Cataclysmic occurrences have been considered as possible scientifically but no one really knows what all this means.
Since that is only two years away, let's make these two years be the best years possible. Gratitude is one way to start. Living each moment to the fullest, doing our best efforts at whatever we do and helping others when the opportunity arises. Getting our spiritual houses in order is top priority. We've always said "life goes on".... but what if it doesn't? Are we spiritually ready for whatever happens?
I am not writing this to instill fear, worry or doubt. But to encourage us to change our thinking to gratitude of what we currently have and the list is long. Our society always wants more. We all do. But let's develop our gratitude attitude and see what transpires!!

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