Several years ago I was at a Bible Study in a home. As I sat on the piano bench I was in pain from a sciatic nerve problem. Over the years I had dealt with this occasionally and had come to find out that if I took Vitamin B Complex it would go away. At this particular time I was really in pain. We happened to be in prayer at that moment when this thought came to me (I believe the Lord spoke to me) and said "Why don't you ask for healing?" It surprised me. I hadn't asked for healing because I knew how to take care of it myself with Vitamin B Complex. However, at that moment I gave in, agreed, consented, or whatever would describe what I did. At the moment that I gave in and my thought was in agreement, I was healed. A warm feeling went from my hip down through my leg and there was no more pain. I got up and walked a little to make sure it was gone. I haven't had it since and that had to be 25-30 years ago. But the point I wanted to make is that I did not actually ask for healing. In my thoughts I gave over to it and was healed. My thoughts agreed to asking and it was granted immediately.
Of great interest to me in recent years is how our thoughts really do affect our lives. Too often our thoughts are just what I've heard referred to as default thinking. Thoughts that we have during the day with absolutely no awareness. They are free to come and go. They are always there. Thoughts of worry, fear, maybe resentment over something that has happened to us, sometimes rehearsing over and over an experience, a bad scenario (recent or from the past), what we will say next time, what we plan to do and the list goes on.
Having learned about the law of attraction, I realize now that those random, default thoughts can be attracting things into our lives that we don't want. We need to be aware of what we are thinking and stop all negative or self-defeating thoughts. We do have control over our thoughts. We can change our thoughts. It only takes being aware of them and the desire to attract good things into our lives. From my own experience I know we can do this.
THINK of what you are thinking. Don't just fall into old habit patterns of thought. Be aware and change your thoughts. If you have to start singing a song to stop the flow of thoughts or to change the direction, then do that. Once you become aware of your thoughts you will be amazed at how many follow old habit patterns, patterns we can break. Thoughts of gratitude for what we have will definitely get us off the typical negative track and we will attract more things for which to be grateful.
One more example from the Bible, Mark 5: 38-43....this twelve year old girl was dead. Jesus came and said she was only sleeping and they laughed him to scorn. So he put them all out leaving only the father, mother and those with him and went to the girl and she was healed. It stood out to me that Jesus put the doubters out. Those who were laughing (didn't believe) were made to wait outside. This emphasized the fact that we need to surround ourselves with people who are positive in their thoughts and words. With all the negative news, all the economic problems people have been experiencing, there are negative things bombarding us but when it is possible, keep the doubters at a distance. Dwelling on negative things bring us down to a hopeless feeling of dispair. Positive happy thoughts bring us up and give us hope.
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."— Benjamin Disraeli: British statesman and author
"Your thoughts Are The Rudder That Guides Your Heart Through Life." Robb Thompson