Yesterday was a productive day in the kitchen. Besides making my weekly carrot/veggie juice, I froze a small batch of okra from Diane & Bob's garden, froze 5 baggies of 2 cups of grated zucchini to be used for zucchini bread, made 3 loaves of banana bread and 4 loaves of zucchini bread. Also did other prepatory stuff with vegetables so they are ready for use and made two large salads for dinner. With a quick trip to the bank, that pretty much filled my day.
I felt inspired to write on this blog but since my day went for cooking it never happened. I have been pretty excited over the DVDs we have seen recently. When visiting our friends last Friday, we watched a new one that we received recently called The Shadow Effect: A Journey from your darkest thought to your greatest dream. It was very thought provoking. We definitely will need to see it again. We also watched other inspirational DVDs which were conversations we had recorded from TV about The Secret and later in the weekend we watched another one which we have had for months but never watched called Pass It On.
It was wonderful to be reminded about how easily we can fall back into old habits of negative thought or speaking. I am so grateful for Dr. Gregg Coker telling Warren about the DVD, The Secret. Since watching (and have now seen it probably at least 2 dozen times) we have seen so much change in our lives and the lives of those around us that have also seen it. It changes our focus and makes us aware of the negativity in our own thoughts and words and how we attract to ourselves according to those thoughts. The Bible states, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!" It all fits. Our words come out because of what is in our heart. We need a heart "transplant". By pursuing all the positive books, teachings and DVDs on this transformational subject, stating the affirmations that are given to us as suggestions, we can change our hearts. What is in our heart has been placed there by all that has gone before.....what we have learned in church, school, from parents, from friends, experiences, books, movies... and most people need a total overhaul in that area.
One teaching that we have that is very powerful is in book or CD form called Letting it Go by Guy Finley. This is not always easy to do but so very important to be free of all those things that hold us down. He has another book that I will eventually have to have: 365 Days to Let Go. Here are a few excerpts from that book:
Until we become conscious of how many more times a day we complain about our life than we feel gratitude for the gift of it, we not only miss the taste of life's secret sweetness, but we continue to sow the bitter seeds of our own sorrow.
It seldom occurs to us that whatever we persist with in our lives works to perfect the same, so that by allowing persistent negative thoughts and feelings to have their way with us, we unknowingly perfect self-punishment!
Learn never to blame another for the pain you feel, nor to complain about anything that life brings to your door; but this doesn't mean to be accepting of those who would see you ache, nor should you be apathetic in the face of anything that challenges your hopes and aspirations. (Guy Finley).
One of my strong interests over the years has been in understanding people and reading about temperaments, why people do what they do, etc. I have been interested in handwriting analysis (the scientific approach, not the fortune telling) and see a direct connection between handwriting and personality. And as the circumstances change (such as a negative person becoming positive or vice versa) the handwriting changes. I have observed this personally in an acquaintance years ago and it was amazing. I hope to take the time to study that area further soon. So many projects, so little time! :-)
Have a wonderful day!
Some good quotations:
Change your thoughts and you change your world. Norman Vincent Peale
The greatest discovery you'll ever make, is the potential of your own mind.— Jose Silva
The more people complain about their unwanted circumstances in life, the less likely they are to do anything to change them! Guy Finley
William James, over a century ago, said, "The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitudes"
Change Is The Result Of Choices Not Chances. Robb Thompson
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. — Brian Tracy
You can't enjoy today if you're worrying about the past or the future.
You can tell how big a person is By what it takes to discourage him.
He who angers you, controls you!