.....Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!

And you thought I was going to get all spiritual. :-) Have a Great Weekend!!
Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. Prov. 4:7
A bed but not sleep,
Books but not brains,
Food but not appetite,
Finery but not beauty,
A house but not a home,
Medicine but not health,
Luxuries but not culture,
Amusement but not happiness,
A crucifix but not a Savior,
A church-pew but not heaven.
Be careful in picking your friends, but not to pieces!
God never gives discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede!
Perfect love is the act of helping someone who can in no way return the favor.
I never met a man who has given me as much trouble as myself. D. L. Moody
Isn't it strange that in our praying we seldom ask for a change of character but always a change in circumstances?