Tuesday, April 10, 2012


In recent days and weeks various problems and needs of all kinds have come to my attention.  Of all people, we Christians should know how to overcome in these situations.  We should give no place to worry, frustration, confusion, or fear.  How can we accomplish this?  By placing trust in the Most High God.    That sounds simple enough, so what is the problem?

Have we never proven God in the past or do we so quickly forget past victories?  It would be well worth the time, effort and discipline to write, in a special journal, the answers to prayer, revelation of the Word through personal reading, and even visions or dreams we may have that comfort us, to read over in times of weakness or discouragement.  It is an uplifting reminder of God's goodness to us personally.

Our spirit, led by the Holy Spirit, needs to become the ruling force in our lives and when that happens, we will discover that trusting or leaning on our own understanding is fruitless effort.  Who can know the will of God?  Who can really know what is best for us in each situation or how to work out the solution to the problem?  We must learn total dependence upon His wisdom and mercy and grace.  We must abandon our own carnal thinking and trust as Job did...."Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him".   We must have confidence in God who orders the steps of the righteous(Psalm 37:23); who doesn't forsake His saints (Psalm 37:28); who gives strength and blesses His people with peace (Psalm 29:11); who delivers from fear (Psalm 34:4); who heals the brokenhearted and binds up wounds (Psalm 147:3); who answers when we call upon Him (Psalm 91:14-16).

God's Word is full of examples of God's sustaining power through trials and deliverance from them, both Old and New Testaments.  However, we also have modern day examples as well - bookstores are full of exciting accounts of God's never-failing love.  When trials or circumstances arise, go to the Word for reminders of God's precious promises and REST knowing He ALWAYS makes good His promises.