Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday morning musings

Every morning I receive a devotional from the writings of Oswald Chambers. They are excellent and cause me to think and many times confirm my own thoughts. Over the years I have always wondered where common sense fits into spirituality. Having socially interacted with many levels of education over the years I observed that common sense appeared to be missing in many people and great education did not always produce any or more common sense.

I have always felt it was desirable to have common sense but was not sure about how that fits in with Bible beliefs. Some preachers have given the idea that common sense was wrong. This did not set well with me because the Bible speaks volumes about the need for wisdom. "Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not" Prov. 4:5; "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Prov. 4:7; "For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it". Prov. 8:11 and many more.

This morning Oswald Chambers addressed this issue. I think this is the first time I've heard something on this subject. To quote him:

Never let common sense obtrude and push the Son of God on one side. Common sense is a gift which God gave to human nature; but common sense is not the gift of His Son. Supernatural sense is the gift of His Son; never enthrone common sense. The Son detects the Father; common sense never yet detected the Father and never will. Our ordinary wits never worship God unless they are transfigured by the indwelling Son of God.

Now to me this means it is good to have common sense but if supernatural sense says something else, then at that time it has to supercede common sense. When we read God's Word we can gain Godly wisdom and our decisions will be the good. But I believe we have to give over to the "supernatural sense" when those occasions warrant it. For example, if we are going some where, it may be common sense to go the shortest route to our destination but we sense we should go another way. We don't know why we feel that way but this is when common sense has to give over to supernatural sense. Perhaps there was danger going the other way. The soft inner voice of the Holy Spirit speaks to us and we have the choice to obey or use common sense. Then, of course, we reap the results of our choice.

So this little devotional today helped put common sense in the proper perspective for me. It definitely is needed for everyday life but we have to be open and sensitive to Supernatural sense and be willing and quick to obey.

Time to get ready for church....... Have a great Sunday!
