Monday, March 1, 2010
Some scientists believe that the smallest particle is not the electron, the neutron, or the proton. It is SOUND, sound waves, or vibrating strings that have “notes.” When you take the smallest atom known (a neutron or a proton) and split it to its smallest form, there is one more particle inside the smallest particle - - a vibrating sound wave.
If this is true, and if the Genesis account is true that God used His words, or sound, to create, then I believe that sound waves are the smallest living substance unseen by the human eye that is at the core of every living thing.“The very stones will cry out.” Luke 19:4
Sound is the main ingredient in the base composition of all created things…. There are sound waves embedded in every created thing. Water particles and other sub-atomic particles actually respond to sound and even voice recognition. Every created thing can hear in a sense and respond in some way, as all things were created with the same core ingredients - - sound and glory. In Psalm 148 God commands the sun, moon, and stars to praise Him. He even commands the mountains and hills to praise Him. All creation has the ability to hear, listen, obey, respond, and worship its Creator.
NASA scientists recently discovered that sound waves of musical harmonious notes were coming from black holes. And other experiments revealed similar results from rock samples taken from outer space. In fact, they found that every created thing has musical sound waves imbedded in it. Why would musical sounds be produced from His creation? The Lord commands everything to worship Him. Hence, rock samples from distant planets emit sounds of worship that we can hear when put under special machines that track sound waves and energy.
Have you ever noticed that when you are traveling alone in the countryside, walking in the woods, or enjoying a beautiful natural setting, you often sense the presence of God? Creation emits “sound waves of worship” that are invisible to your natural ear, but your spirit receives them.
Have you noticed that you often can connect with God easier in a beautiful natural surrounding? I believe that all creation, in its natural state, is worshiping the Creator. There is an on-going symphony praising Him 24/7 in nature. Every created thing has sound waves and responds to sound waves spoken with the Glory and the Spirit of God.
Just saying words or reciting scriptures is not the key. The letter of the law kills, but the Spirit gives life. Get into the glory zone of His presence first, then speak forth and the creation will respond to your word.
Even cancer responds to the sound and command of your spoken words! Doctors use sound waves to treat cancer… using a procedure called high-intensity focused ultrasound, which is high energy sound waves, to destroy cancer cells. The high-intensity words you speak are much more powerful with the Holy Spirit and Glory.
Now you know why Jesus said we could speak to a mountain and it would be removed. God told Moses to speak to the rock and it would produce water. Satan tempted Jesus to turn the stones to bread. He knew it was entirely possible for Jesus to perform this miracle. You can even command broken bones to reconnect. The bones can hear and respond. Body parts and creation can hear and respond!
More soon.....
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Personal experience
A friend and I were discussing (through emails) our spiritual experiences. I decided to share this one with you.
When I was nine years old we used to go to "Youth for Christ" meetings in Seattle. My brother, Arlen, would sit with his friends while Mom, Dad and I often sat in the balcony of this large auditorium somewhere in Seattle. At a specific time in the meeting, the lights were turned down low and they always sung the chorus, Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus.... It was a very special time. The excellent meetings had special singers and speakers.
One night we came home and I started crying. I couldn't tell my parents what was wrong but Mom either sensed it or I said enough that she called the pastor. He came over and talked with me. I guess I was feeling conviction. That is when I accepted the Lord.
A very dramatic change occurred. I wanted to tell all my friends about it and get them to go to church. I became a little missionary! :-) I was baptized soon after. We were all to give a little testimony before baptism and I remember the verse I said then as my favorite verse and it stuck with me all my life.... "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
I hung onto that one many times throughout my life. And those needs are more than financial. Our needs include emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. I have claimed it for all! :-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010
He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock .. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone.
Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left.
Then it struck him. He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, but he had just thrown it away!
There is a treasure in each and every one of us If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth.

Friday, January 29, 2010
Discussion of 1998
Warren: You know we were talking a little bit earlier about what’s natural and what is supernatural. You know, you have more of a natural tendency in what you believe and in the way your personality fits. You have a tendency to be more realistic and more natural. With me I’m more spiritual and more mystically inclined and there has to be a happy medium and I think when you were saying that the natural is the way to be….what were you saying about that?
Yvonne: Well, first of all, to clarify that, you know we hear all the time from preachers that we’re a new creature and the Bible tells us we’re a new creature. Well, being natural is like looking at a cat washing her face, licking her paw. We don’t look twice at that because that is natural for the cat to do that. That is what I mean when I speak of ”natural”. I don’t mean that natural is fleshly and worldly. I mean natural is our new state. We walk our daily life….
Warren: You say new state. You mean there is a new state of natural and an old state of natural?
Yvonne: Yes, I think so. I think when you are living for the world and your own pleasures, your “natural” inclination is to do whatever suits you, to do whatever feels good and whatever the world says and get involved in all the hype or whatever. Your natural state may be to go to bars if that is what you like. Your natural walking out your life will be setting your own goals and not caring about anything else.
Warren: In other words, it’s self-centered?
Yvonne: Yes, it can be. However, some people can spend their whole life giving to others in food programs and other beneficial endeavors.
Warren: Entrepreneurial.
Yvonne: Well, in any case, that is their natural state. They are either givers or takers, but it is not based on the new creation life.
Warren: It’s not Christ-centered.
Yvonne: Right. So once we become new creatures then our natural state has changed to where …..
Warren: We have a new nature.
Yvonne. Yes.
Warren: In other words, we act different, like the metamorphosis of a butterfly starting out as a caterpillar and acting like a worm and crawling around and eating leaves and then they get into the cocoon state and they change and come out as a butterfly which is their new nature.
Yvonne: Then, to see them groveling around on the ground would be un-natural. So their new natural state is to fly and you don’t become alarmed when you see a butterfly flying.
Warren: No, because that is their nature.
Yvonne: That’s what they do.
Warren: And you can hardly remember when you see a butterfly flying, that they used to be a crawling around worm. Like that old grub worm. Then when you see the worm crawling around, you don’t think of them as a butterfly.
Yvonne: or ask why aren’t they flying? So this is my basis, when I am talking about being natural, I am saying it should come so naturally to us that we don’t have to think twice. I started to tell you about being in a car with a preacher friend and he turned around and said something prophetic to me specifically and it struck me so impressively because we weren’t at the altar, we didn’t have special music going, worshipping, or talking specifically about the Lord. We may have been having a discussion. I don’t remember. It wasn’t anything we were doing when something came to him prophetically and I remarked to him “You didn’t have to get worked up into a spiritual “state” to give a prophecy. It came out of you naturally.”
Warren: In other words, it was just a natural tone, it wasn’t a “thus saith the Lord, thou art this or that....”.
Yvonne: Right.
Warren: And so, that would be natural.
Yvonne: to your new state. For instance, if you’re at work and you say something to somebody, you may really be helping the person. I think the most effective thing that ever happens is when you don’t know you have done any good for somebody. Because it is coming out of you very naturally, it is how you think and how you respond to the people around you.
Warren:Maybe it’s not necessarily what you speak but your actions as well. I mean your actions are probably more…
Yvonne: That’s true but I am thinking in the terms of prophetically, like he turned around and spoke to me. He didn’t say, let’s pray, let’s get into a worship mode because God wants to speak. No, he just spoke what came to him. That would be the same as doing a household task and a thought suddenly comes to “go to your neighbor with some food”. You do it. You don’t stop and think about it but just do it. It’s coming naturally and you are obeying easily.
Warren: You just have a natural desire to want to go do these things for your neighbor because you feel that inside, you’re not being forced by duty or obligation. It’s something that you really long and desire to do. It is something that comes out of you as natural.
Yvonne: That’s true, but in the case of the Lord speaking, it may be a one time happening. It’s not that you go around saying, oh who can I help today, I have such a desire to help somebody. No, I am talking about a specific action that you automatically do. Because it’s your nature, you just do it. You move into it and you don’t even stop and think, oooh the Lord told me to do that. You just do it because it is natural to follow that little inner voice that you are not even thinking about, it’s just happening. To me that is being natural. That’s being the new life in us at work. Because you don’t have to be at the altar, you don’t have to be on your knees to have these things happen. You don’t have to be “religious”. But because you have a relationship with the Lord, you have become more sensitive to his voice.
Warren: You can be in the most unpredictable situations. Like a lot of times God speaks to me in the shower, and I wonder why would he do that? Or when I am shaving something really neat comes to me. You wouldn’t think that God would speak to you when you are doing normal things. You would have to be in a holy state, in a holy atmosphere.
Yvonne: That is where I object to that because I think that’s where religion has affected a lot of people. God put in us a hunger for him and we mess it up by being “religious”. We go back to works then and feel that we have to do something to be spiritual. That’s my objection. We have our own language, Christianese like Rick Godwin says. We have our own gang. We have our own gang symbols and….
Warren: Bumper stickers….
Yvonne: and methods of operations.
To be continued….

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Quotes for the Day
"To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and becoming more noble yourself."
Christian D. Larson (1874-1954)
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"The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." William James (1842-1910)
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"Most of the limitations you think you have are the ones you have decided on. They are often entirely self-imposed. You might think, 'I can't do this, I can't do that, I would never do that, my parents could never do that, I never played baseball, I never climbed a mountain, I never, never, never'... It's the old broken record in your head. Throw out that negative thinking right now! Learn to play a positive message in your head because it's all about attitude."
David Patchell-Evans

Monday, January 18, 2010
Thoughts about Thoughts
Several years ago I was at a Bible Study in a home. As I sat on the piano bench I was in pain from a sciatic nerve problem. Over the years I had dealt with this occasionally and had come to find out that if I took Vitamin B Complex it would go away. At this particular time I was really in pain. We happened to be in prayer at that moment when this thought came to me (I believe the Lord spoke to me) and said "Why don't you ask for healing?" It surprised me. I hadn't asked for healing because I knew how to take care of it myself with Vitamin B Complex. However, at that moment I gave in, agreed, consented, or whatever would describe what I did. At the moment that I gave in and my thought was in agreement, I was healed. A warm feeling went from my hip down through my leg and there was no more pain. I got up and walked a little to make sure it was gone. I haven't had it since and that had to be 25-30 years ago. But the point I wanted to make is that I did not actually ask for healing. In my thoughts I gave over to it and was healed. My thoughts agreed to asking and it was granted immediately.
Of great interest to me in recent years is how our thoughts really do affect our lives. Too often our thoughts are just what I've heard referred to as default thinking. Thoughts that we have during the day with absolutely no awareness. They are free to come and go. They are always there. Thoughts of worry, fear, maybe resentment over something that has happened to us, sometimes rehearsing over and over an experience, a bad scenario (recent or from the past), what we will say next time, what we plan to do and the list goes on.
Having learned about the law of attraction, I realize now that those random, default thoughts can be attracting things into our lives that we don't want. We need to be aware of what we are thinking and stop all negative or self-defeating thoughts. We do have control over our thoughts. We can change our thoughts. It only takes being aware of them and the desire to attract good things into our lives. From my own experience I know we can do this.
THINK of what you are thinking. Don't just fall into old habit patterns of thought. Be aware and change your thoughts. If you have to start singing a song to stop the flow of thoughts or to change the direction, then do that. Once you become aware of your thoughts you will be amazed at how many follow old habit patterns, patterns we can break. Thoughts of gratitude for what we have will definitely get us off the typical negative track and we will attract more things for which to be grateful.
One more example from the Bible, Mark 5: 38-43....this twelve year old girl was dead. Jesus came and said she was only sleeping and they laughed him to scorn. So he put them all out leaving only the father, mother and those with him and went to the girl and she was healed. It stood out to me that Jesus put the doubters out. Those who were laughing (didn't believe) were made to wait outside. This emphasized the fact that we need to surround ourselves with people who are positive in their thoughts and words. With all the negative news, all the economic problems people have been experiencing, there are negative things bombarding us but when it is possible, keep the doubters at a distance. Dwelling on negative things bring us down to a hopeless feeling of dispair. Positive happy thoughts bring us up and give us hope.
"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."— Benjamin Disraeli: British statesman and author
"Your thoughts Are The Rudder That Guides Your Heart Through Life." Robb Thompson

Friday, January 8, 2010
Good Stuff for the New Year!